
Vanhala Erno, Hyrynsalmi Sami, Kasurinen Jussi, 2023. Gamers’ Attitudes Toward Free-To-Play Revenue Model, Tethics2023 – Conference on Technology Ethics, Turku, Finland.
Vanhala, E., 2023. Vierailu kaninkolossa, Muutos 1/2023, Uskontojen uhrien tuki UUT ry., ISSN 2323-8577.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., Knutas, A., Herala A., 2022. The Application Domains of Systematic Mapping Studies: A Mapping Study of the First Decade of Practice With the Method, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 37924-37937.
Vanhala, E., Hyrynsalmi, S., Kasurinen, J., 2021. Attitudes Towards Free-to-Play Revenue Models Among Finnish Gamers, Tethics2021 – Conference on Technology Ethics, Turku, Finland.
Vanhala, E., 2021. UUT – 30 vuotta tukea uskontojen uhreille – Kertomuksia ja havaintoja Uskontojen uhrien tuki UUT ry:n synnystä nykypäivään, Uskontojen uhrien tuki UUT ry., ISBN 978-952-94-4438-0.
Vanhala, E., Nikula U., 2020. Python 3 – ohjelmointiopas, versio 1.2.1, LUT-yliopisto, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Vanhala, E., 2020. UUT:n yli 30-vuotiseen taipaleeseen mahtuu jänniä vaiheita, Muutos 1/2020, Uskontojen uhrien tuki UUT ry., ISSN 2323-8577.
Herala, A., Kokkola, J., Kasurinen, J., Vanhala, E., 2019. Strategy for Data: Open it or Hack it?, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce 14 (2), 33-46.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., 2019. The Role of the Customer in an Agile Project: A Multi-case Study, 10th International Conference, International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB) 2019, Jyväskylä, Finland, November 18–20, 2019.
Vanhala, E., 2019. Uskontokuntien jäsenmäärien kehitys Suomessa, Muutos 1/2019, Uskontojen uhrien tuki UUT ry., ISSN 2323-8577.
Vanhala, E., 2019. Kääpiösiili Roi pulassa Englannissa, Silium – Suomen siiliyhdistyksen jäsenlehti.
Herala, A., Kasurinen, J., Vanhala, E., 2018. Views on Open Data Business from Software Development Companies, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 13 (1), 91-105.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., 2018. Goals and Principles for the Redesign of a Programming Course, The 2018 Workshop on PhD Software Engineering Education: Challenges, Trends, and Programs, September 17th, 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kasurinen, J., Vanhala, E., Knutas, A., Herala, A., Sirén, J., 2018. MOOC – Opettaja verkossa, Skrolli.
Vanhala, E., 2018. MHM2000 – kun jääkiekkojoukkueen manageroinnista tuli hauskaa, Skrolli.
Herala, A., Knutas, A., Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J, 2017. Experiences from Video Lectures in Software Engineering Education, International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science 9, 17–26.
Kasurinen, J., Palacin-Silva, M., Vanhala, E., 2017. What Concerns Game Developers? A Study on Game Development Processes, Sustainability and Metrics, 8th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), IEEE, pp. 15–21.
Vanhala, E., 2017. Avoin opetus – paperisesta luentomonisteesta avoimeen verkkoon, Laurea Publications 82.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., 2016. Improving the Length of Customer Relationships on the Mobile Computer Game Business, Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9694, 116–132.
Knutas, A., Herala, A., Vanhala, E., Ikonen, J., 2016. The Flipped Classroom Method: Lessons Learned from Flipping Two Programming Courses, 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, ACM Press, pp. 423–430.
Herala, A., Vanhala, E., Porras, J., Kärri, T., 2016. Experiences about opening data in private sector: A systematic literature review, SAI Computing Conference, IEEE, pp. 715–724.
Herala, A., Kasurinen, J., Vanhala, E., 2016. Current status and the future directions of open data: perceptions from the Finnish industry, 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, ACM Press, pp. 68–77.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., 2016. Mutsin komerosta maailmalle: Peli-startup: tähdenlento vai hittitehdas?, Skrolli.
Vanhala, E., Hynninen, T., 2016. Joulun pähkinänurkka, Skrolli.
Vanhala, E., 2015. The role of business model in computer game development organizations, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Vanhala, E., Saarikallio, M., 2015. Business model elements in different types of organization in software business, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 7, 139–150.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., Smolander, K., 2015. Evolution of computer game developer organizations, Journal of Advances in Management Research 12, 268–291.
Herala, A., Vanhala, E., Nikula, U., 2015. Object-oriented programming course revisited, 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, ACM Press, pp. 23–32.
Herala, A., Vanhala, E., Knutas, A., Ikonen, J., 2015. Teaching programming with flipped classroom method: a study from two programming courses, 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, ACM Press, pp. 165–166.
Vanhala, E., Nikula, U., 2015. Open Data – Improving Border Crossing Efficiency, Ways to improve the procedure and technology at border crossing points on the Russian-Finnish border.
Ikonen, A., Hynninen, T., Vanhala, E., 2015. Terminaali tutuksi – Linux ja komentorivin hallinta, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Oppimateriaalit – Lecture Notes 7, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Herala, A., Vanhala, E., Nikula, U., 2015. Olio-ohjelmointi käytännössä käyttäen hyväksi avointa tietoa, graafista käyttöliittymää ja karttaviitekehystä, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Oppimateriaalit – Lecture Notes 6, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Herala, A., Vanhala, E., Nikula, U., 2015. Olio-ohjelmointi Javalla, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Oppimateriaalit – Lecture Notes 5, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Maglyas, A., Vanhala, E., 2014. How is release cycle and business model reflecting the success of mobile game, White paper.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., 2014. The role of business model and its elements in computer game start-ups, ICSOB 2014 - The 5th International Conference on Software Business, Paphos, Cyprus.
Vanhala, E., 2014. Vertaisoppiminen ja parityöskentely olio-ohjelmoinnin opintojaksolla sekä luento-opetuksen kehittäminen, Oppiva opettaja 13 : Yliopistopedagogisen koulutuksen 2013 - 2014 opetuksen kehittämishankkeet, Öystilä Satu, Laine Pirkko (toim.), Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, pp. 98–106.
Vanhala, E., Smolander, K., 2013. What Do We Know About Business Models In Software Companies? - Systematic Mapping Study, IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet 11, 89–102.
Vanhala, E., Smolander, K., 2013. Business Model - What is It For A Software Company? - Systematic Mapping Study, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference E-Commerce. Prague, Czech Republic.
Vanhala, E., Määttänen, M., Smolander, K., 2013. In-Service Promotion as a Business Model for Social Web Applications, Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference, Venice, Italy.
Vanhala, E., Kasurinen, J., Smolander, K., 2013. Design and Innovation in Game Development; Observations in 7 Small Organizations, ICSEA 2013, The Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, Venice, Italy.
Vanhala, E., Kahkonen, T., Nikula, U., Smolander, K., 2011. External influences and integration as requirements in online community development, First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Social Computing (RESC), IEEE, pp. 10–13.
Vanhala, E., Nikula, U, 2010. Python 3 – ohjelmointiopas, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Vanhala, E., 2009. Designing features for supporting social interactions in online communities, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Vanhala, E., 2008. Online Community System Development, Case PROFCOM, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.